Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Radiography in Ureterocele

Radiography in Ureterocele Ashley Norman One day wanting to be a mother, I can imagine that all you pray for is there to be no complications throughout the pregnancy. Walking into a doctor’s appointment for a routine ultrasound to check the baby and having the doctor say, â€Å"ma’am your baby has hydronephrosis and an ureterocele,† would be a very scary moment of the unknown. Because ureteroceles only occurs in about one of every 1,000 births, there would be many questions such as: what is an ureterocele, what tests will have to be done and what treatments will need to be taken (UCSF). As this became a reality to a friend of mine, all the questions must be answered. The field of radiography has different modalities and studies that use medical imaging that can diagnose and watch the condition of Ureteroceles. At nineteen weeks pregnant, Emily was told that Trent had severe hydronephrosis in his right kidney found on the ultrasound (Davis, 2014). One might be wondering, what is hydronephrosis? It is the distention of renal pelvis and calyces with urine (Eugene D. Frank, 2012). Another ultrasound done at twenty-four weeks showed the ureterocele. An ureterocele, a congenital condition, is a ballooning of the lower end of the ureter inside the bladder (Boston) (Philadelphia). This may cause part or the entire stream of urine from flowing freely into the bladder. It may also cause the backward flow of urine into the child’s kidney causing vesicoureteral reflux or VUR (Philadelphia). Ureteroceles are ten times more common in girls than boys, occur most often in Caucasians and vary in size (Boston). Trent is Caucasian, though he is a more rare case being a boy. Like Trent’s, the ureterocele is continued to be seen on the ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy. As determined, Ureteroceles are most commonly found from an ultrasound before the child is born or within a few days after birth. They are also used often to manage babies with hydronephrosis (Philadelphia) (UCSF). This modality of radiology called ultrasound or sonography is a noninvasive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce echoes within the body. The transducer sends and receives sound wave signals as it is moved over the surface of the body producing an image in real-time on a computer monitor. Learning the due date, revealing the presence of more than one child and the sex of the child or children are all familiar things that ultrasound determines. Conditions affecting the organs and tissues of the body such as the heart, gallbladder, liver, kidneys, and bladder may be determined by the use of sonography (WebMD Ultrasound). A renal bladder ultrasound is often used because its spotlight is specifically on the kidneys and bladder (Boston). The severity of the babies’ hydronephrosis and the presence of an ureterocele is valuable information shown on the RUS for the doctor. At about 16 or a18 months old, Trent had an RUS before he had surgery. Post surgery, Trent had another RUS to check the status (Davis, 2014). Again, ultrasound or sonography is the most common modality used to find Ureteroceles. Another study done to identify or evaluate the ureterocele is a voiding cysto-urethrogram or VCUG. The child will have a catheter placed through the urethra into the bladder (Philadelphia). A contrast material will be introduced against the normal flow or retrograde (Eugene D. Frank, 2012). As the contrast is filling the bladder fluoroscopy will be used to take pictures. Fluoroscopy is a type of medical imaging that is real-time showing continuous x-ray images on a monitor (FDA). Pictures will continue to be taken until the bladder is full and then again as the child voids or urinates. The VCUG study is done to confirm if VUR, reflux or backwash of urine into the ureter, is occurring because this would affect how the ureterocele is treated (UCSF). A VCUG was performed on Trent pre and post surgery (Davis, 2014). This procedure may be done more than once to continue to monitor the size and severity of the ureterocele along with any harm that may develop to the child’s kidneys. Nuclear medicine is another modality of radiography that â€Å"uses a special camera, gamma, to take pictures of tissues and organs in the body after a radioactive tracer, either radionuclide or radioisotope, is put in the vein in the arm and is absorbed by the tissues and organs. The radioactive tracer shows the activity and function of the tissues or organs† (WebMD Nuclear Medicine). A nuclear renal scan is done using nuclear medicine with one of two types of substances: DTPA or Mag3. Both are radiopharmaceuticals that may be used but very young children or someone with poor kidney functions will have better images if Mag3 is used (Nandurkar, 2009). The difference in function between the two kidneys may be measured along with the degree of blockage in the urinary system (Boston). Before surgery, a Mag3 scan was completed on Trent giving information on why the surgery was being performed and the severity (Davis, 2014). Using this modality of radiography, Nuclear Medicine, and its renal scanning test, ureteroceles may be identified and monitored. Finally, the modality of Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI may be used for ureteroceles. â€Å"MRI is a noninvasive diagnostic modality that does not use ionizing radiation.† The images on the computer monitor are provided by a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency pulses that are combined to produce a radio signal in the body that can be detected and processed electronically (Ehrlich, 2009). Although Trent has not had an MRI yet, when he does there will be very detailed pictures of the kidneys, ureters and bladder that can be taken and stored for diagnosis, monitoring and comparing of ureteroceles (Davis, 2014). The treatment of an ureterocele is dependent upon many factors such as the size, degree of obstruction, function of the kidney, presence of VUR and affects of the bladder. Although not all are helped by endoscopic surgery, it is one treatment that may be used to fix the ureterocele (Boston). Trent’s doctors at the Children’s Hospital in New Orleans chose this treatment. The endoscopic surgery is a minor procedure, no incisions made, which is usually done in an outpatient setting. A cystoscope, a lighted tube, is inserted into the urethral opening to see inside the bladder showing areas that may not show up well on X-ray images (Philadelphia). When the ureterocele is reached it will be punctured or popped, therefore relieving any obstruction. After the puncture, a VCUG is often performed to look for any reflux. Renal ultrasounds are also performed following the puncture to â€Å"ensure that any dilation has improved and that the ureterocele has gone away (UCSF).† Unfortunately, Trent was a case that the endoscopic surgery did not help (Davis, 2014). His mom and dad now have a waiting game to see if any further actions must be taken to try and solve his ureterocele. Through the field of radiology, different modalities and studies, Trent can be monitored and enjoy being a little boy, doing what little boys enjoy while his mom and dad trust the field of radiography and the advances that continue to keep their baby safe. Works Cited Boston, C. H. (n.d.). Ureterocele. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from Boston Childrens Hospital: http://www.childrenshospital.org/health-topics/conditions/ureterocele Davis, E. (2014, February). (A. Norman, Interviewer) Ehrlich, R. A. (2009). Patient Care in Radiography. Missouri. Eugene D. Frank, B. W. (2012). Merrills Atlas of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures. Missouri: Jeanne Olson. FDA. (n.d.). Medical X-Ray Imaging Fluoroscopy. Retrieved March 4, 2014, from FDA Gov: http://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/MedicalImaging/MedicalX-Rays/ucm115354.htm Nandurkar, M. M. (2009, May 01). Nuclear Medicine Renal Scan. Retrieved March 4, 2014, from Inside Radiology: http://www.insideradiology.com.au/pages/view.php?T_id=43#.UyHAJVBdW8A Philadelphia, T. C. (n.d.). Ureterocele. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia: http://www.chop.edu/healthinfo/ureterocele.html UCSF, D. o. (n.d.). Ureteroceles. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from University of California, Department of Urology: https://urology.ucsf.edu/patient-care/children/urinary-tract-obstruction/ureteroceles WebMD Nuclear Medicine, T. (n.d.). Nuclear Mediciine Scan. Retrieved March 4, 2014, from WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/nuclear-medicine-scan-topic-overview WebMD Ultrasound, T. (n.d.). What is an Ultrasound? Retrieved February 16, 2014, from WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-is-an-ultrasound

Monday, January 20, 2020

Code of Ethics Essay -- Ethical Issues, Good Ethics

This essay will discuss the following main statement; the adoption of a proposed new look Code of Ethics, based on the international Federation Accountants’ code, will ensure that New Zealand Charted Accountants meet their ethical responsibilities. Within this essay an adverse position will be taken towards the previous statement. The international Federation of Accountants (IFAC) states that, professional standards and the code of ethics form important benchmarks that should be met by practicing accountants. Accountants should understand and apply them when conducting any type of work (Pickett 2005). The New Zealand Institute of Charted Accountants (NZICA) is a member of IFAC, as part of its member obligations NZICA has to apply the same standards as IFAC (nzica) . This is how the previous statement arises, due to IFAC recently going through a major revision of the code in the area of independence. (nzica) .This essay will appoint different issues and concerns about adopting a new code of ethics and how this change will actually affect the society. Such points are; personal moral judgment, ethical education being a factor of ethical responsibilities and unclear types of enforcement and points of the Code of Ethics. â€Å"Good ethics, whether at work or home, demands self-knowledge, Whereas some groups want to see ethics as a skill or a particular part of organizational transformation, practising good ethics ultimately comes down to you and how you make decisions.†(6). Moral judgment is unique to any individual, adjustments to the NZICA Code of Ethics will not provide a higher rate of success in ethical decisions by professional accountants this is stated in certain studies .Such studies show that moral judgment is not affected ju... ...de of Ethics show the problem is far more extensive than just a few overlook of the previous code. To ensure that New Zealand Charted Accountants act ethically there is need of bigger changes. Ultimately , this essay discussed why the statement; the adoption of a proposed new look Code of Ethics, based on the international Federation Accountants’ code, will ensure that New Zealand Charted Accountants meet their ethical responsibilities, is not essentially right. Throughout the essay with the aid of journal articles, books and other resources a point of agreement that the previous statement is not correct has been achieved. Three different points were arise, personal moral judgment, ethical education being a factor of ethical responsibilities and unclear types of enforcement and points of the Code of Ethics to prove that the previous statement was not correct.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Coping Skill and Lazarus Stress Theory Essay

Each individual experiences stress and problem in life. These will serve as measurement to know how emotionally stable individuals are and how they will handle everything that come their way. The ways of coping from stress, anxiety, and problems are the basis of how well-adjusted an individual is. Coping with difficulties of life is hard especially when the situation is complicated. It is a natural reaction that everyone will be experiences at one time or the other. As cited by Luthans (2005), Ivancevich and Matteson see stress as â€Å"the interaction of the individual with the environment†- an adaptive response mediated by individual differences and or psychological process, that is consequences by any eternal (environmental) action, situation or even that places excessive psychological and or physical demand on a person. Stress in college will comes in many forms. You will become essentially responsible for yourself: doing laundry, preparing your own meals, cleaning your own rooms. This will of course in addition to studying hard to achieve good grades. You will also have to deal with peer pressure, dating predicaments and drinking situations. Coping with stress will prove to be a daunting task. Every trying moment that you will encounter in college is only temporary. Coping with stress in college will be part of life, if you can hurdle over your stress, you will surely become as stronger and tougher person. Such that when you will absorb by the workforce, your will be better equipped to face the challenges of your job. Students will deal with stress differently. If you are one of these students who will have a hard time coping with stress, you should not be ashamed to seek the help of others, especially your counsellors who will be there for you for a reason. Stress will seem to be an especially common feature of college student life, particularly at highly competitive colleges and universities. Stress-coping mechanisms are behaviors and thoughts people employ to calm themselves when they will feel upset, angry, overworked, or otherwise overwhelmed by tension. Being under stress will affects your heart rate, blood pressure, mood, and contributes many diseases such as obesity and asthma. Coping mechanisms can be described as the sum total of ways in which we deal with minor to major stress and trauma. Some of these processes are unconscious ones, others are learned behaviour, and still others are skills we consciously master in order to reduce stress, or other intense emotions like depression. Not all coping mechanisms are equally beneficial, and some can actually be very detrimental. One may have various ways of coping with stress, anxiety and problems. Acceptance may be one by which individual wholeheartedly accepts the situation, the persons will learn to understand the things on the way it should. Others, on the other hand, may still look on the good side, putting more attention and emphasis on the things that could be better and would bring better to them. This study will determine what the most prevalent sources of stressors among our students are, and to evaluate the coping mechanisms adopted by them. Background of the Study Stress (2000) is generally defined as the body’s nonspecific response or reaction to demands made on it, or to disturbing events in the environment. It is a process by which we perceive and cope with environmental threats and challenges. Personal environmental events that will cause stress are known as stressors. Therefore, stress is simply defined as emotional disturbances or changes caused by stressors. Stress which promotes and facilities learning is called good stress. An optimal level of stress can enhance learning ability on the other hand; stress which inhibits and suppresses learning is call bad stress. The bad stress must be prevented and avoided. It is noteworthy that the same stressors may be perceived differently by different students, depending on their cultural background, personality traits, experience and coping skills. The purpose of this study is to gather data on the stress prevalence, stressors and coping strategies among second year students of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Management, hence it will provides valuable information for future study in such students and teachers to understand better about this common problem. The second year students of BSEM are prone to pressure for the reason that they are the last batch of this said degree and because of that they are threatened to study hard, to give a good image and expected to build a better name for their degree. Though college may put you under a lot of stress, most students accept this as a given something one should just learned to deal with. And although work overload is a constant in all schools, many students notice discrepancies among different universities and colleges. Theoretical Framework The study will focus on the stress and coping mechanism among the Second year students of BSEM in regarding to their demographic profile. Coping with stress in college just like any other stress coping mechanism is seeing past the negativity of the moment and embracing the potential for good in it. Numerous theoretical provides sufficient background on the nature of stress individuals encounter and a multiple functions of coping for the optimum development and adjustment. The foremost theories represented in the study are enumerated, (a. ) Systematic Stress: Selye’s Theory, states that stress is a state manifested by a syndrome which consists of all the non-specifically induced changes in a biologic system. (b. Psychological Stress: The Lazarus Theory, states that two concepts are central to any psychological stress theory: appraisal, individual’s evaluation of the significance of what is happening for their well-being, and coping, individual’s efforts in thought and action to manage specific demands. Since its first presentation as a comprehensive theory the Lazarus stress theory has undergone sev eral essential revisions. In the latest version, stress is regarded as a relational concept; stress is not defined as a specific kind of external stimulation or a specific pattern of physiological, behavioral, or subjective reactions. Instead, stress is viewed as a relationship between individuals and their environment. Psychological stress refers to a relationship with the environment that the person appraises as significant for his or her well-being and in which the demands tax or exceed available coping resources. (c. ) Resource Theories of Stress: A Bridge between Systemic and Cognitive Viewpoints. Unlike approaches discussed so far, this theory of stress is not primarily concernedwith factors that create stress, but with resources that preserve well-being in the face of stressful encounters.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Issues Facing Small Business - 1655 Words

Abstract The purpose of this journal to critically evaluate the issues facing small business owners in the pursuit of business growth with recommendations as to how government policy might be informed to support SMEs to achieve their growth objectives. It will be highlight by innovation through this journal. Key words: †¢ Innovation †¢ Economic growth †¢ SME †¢ Job creation †¢ Technology †¢ Government policy Introduction Definition of SME: â€Å"Similarly, recent EU definitions specify that a small company is one with no more than 50 employees, turnover of up to â‚ ¬10m and/or a balance sheet total of up to â‚ ¬10m; a medium company is one with no more than 250 employees, turnover of up to 50m and/or a balance sheet total of up to â‚ ¬43m; it further specifies a micro company as one with no more than ten employees, turnover of up to 2m and/or a balance sheet of up to â‚ ¬2m. â€Å" GILMORE, A., MCAULEY, A., GALLAGHER, D., MASSIERA, P. and GAMBLE, J., 2013. Researching SME/entrepreneurial research. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 15(2), pp. 87-100. 99% of the private sector organizations are SMEs and representing 59.3% of private segment employment and 48.1 % of private sector turnover in 2013. (Rowlatt, 2013) In addition to making a lopsided commitment to job creation they play a key part in development and growth by driving rivalry and innovation. Government s aim is to make the UK the best place for organizations to begin and flourish and to do this they have toShow MoreRelatedSmall Medium Enterprises Of Brunei Darussalam : Business Ecosystem, Economic Constraints And Counter Measures1306 Words   |  6 PagesProject Topic Small Medium Enterprises in Brunei Darussalam: Business ecosystem, economic constraints counter measures. 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