Friday, May 31, 2019
Capital Punishment Essay -- essays research papers
More than 4,300 tidy sum have been executed in the United States since 1930. There is no way of knowing how many people have been executed in the United States because executions were once a public affair with no central agency keeping track of them. In do-gooder to these judicialy imposed actions, there were 4,730 recorded lynchings by vigilantes in the U.S. with most being publicly displayed. Some people, such as Pope Johm Paul II hope that these punishments are cruel and outright evil. While on the other hand, many feel that these actions taken are well deserved, like Missouris Gov. Mel Carnahan who has allowed 22 men to be executed during his 7 years in office. I believe that Capital Punishment is a neccesity in our society being that the execration fits the punishment, such as murder and rape.Many offenders of these malicious crimes often end up being released out into society only to be back on the comparable track of mischief. Eighty percent of first time violent sexual offenders, such as kidnapping rapist and child molesters, commit the same crimes again after their release from prison (where they had zero rehabilitaion). The average time served by first time kidnapping rapist and child molesters is 4 years. In 4 years theyre terrorizing children once again. If these repeat offenders would have been terminated, we would not have to worry about them roming our streets once again.With the high rate of crime we have...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Das Projekt einer globalen Ethik und die afrikanische Philosophie :: German Essays
Das Projekt einer globalen Ethik und stall afrikanische PhilosophieZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Frage nach einer globalen Ethik stellt sich heute verschrft unfgrund der neuen Qualitt gegenseitiger Abhngigkeit der einzelnen Staaten und Regionen beruhend auf einer eng verknpften Weltwirtschaft und dem weltumspannenden Netz modernen Kommunikationssysteme. Diese Verknpfung zeigt sich am deutlichsten in der Vernetzung transnationaler Konzerne, deren Produktionssttten nicht mehr an nationale Territorien gebunden sind. Die Entstehung einer globalen Interdependenz hngt jedoch nicht nur mit konomischen Entwicklungen oder der neuen Effizienz der Kommunikationstechniken zusammen, sondern auch mit der in diesem Jahrhundert entstandenen Mglichkeit einer kologischen oder militrischen Selbstzerstrung der Erde durch den Menschen.I. EinleitungDie Frage nach einer globalen Ethik stellt sich heute verschrft aufgrund der neuen Qualitt gegenseitiger Abhngigkeit der einzelnen Staaten und Regionen beruhend auf ein er eng verknpften Weltwirtschaft und dem weltumspannenden Netz moderner Kommunikationssysteme. Diese Verknpfung zeigt sich am deutlichsten in der Vernetzung transnationaler Konzerne, deren Produktionssttten nicht mehr an nationale Territorien gebunden sind. Die Entstehung einer globalen Interdependenz hngt jedoch nicht nur mit konomischen Entwicklungen oder der neuen Effizienz der Kommunikationstechniken zusammen, sondern auch mit der in diesem Jahrhundert entstandenen Mglichkeit einer kologischen oder militrischen Selbstzerstrung der Erde durch den Menschen. Oder wie der deutsche Philosoph Karl-Otto Apel es ausdrckt ... das Bedrfnis nach einer universalen, d.h. fr die menschliche Gesellschaft insgesamt verbindlichen Ethik war noch nie so dringend, wie in unserem Zeitalter einer durch die technologischen Konsequenzen der Wissenschaft hergestellten planetaren Einheitszivilisation.(1) Aus der Notwendigkeit einer solchen Ethik kann aber noch nicht auf deren Mglichkeit geschlossen werde n. Deshalb scheint mir die Frage nach der Mglichkeit einer globalen Ethik zu den wichtigsten unserer Zeit zu gehren.Verschiedene Ethikprojekte, wie die Diskursethik in Deutschland oder die Befreiungsethik in Lateinamerika, haben nun den Versuch unternommen, eine Ethik mit Anspruch auf universale Gltigkeit zu begrnden, die kulturelle, religise, politische etc. Unterschiede transzendiert. Solche Projekte mssen einer grndlichen Prfung unterzogen werden, wozu vor allem auch eine intersubjektive berprfung von Vertretern unterschiedlicher kultureller Kontexte gehrt. Meine These ist, da eine Ethik solange keinen Anspruch auf universale Gltigkeit erheben kann, solange sie nicht einer interkulturellen Prfung unterzogen wurde, oder wie der sterreichische Philosoph Franz Wimmer es formuliert... halte keine philosophische These fr intestine begrndet, an deren Zustandekommen nur Menschen einer einzigen kulturellen Tradition beteiligt waren.(2)Dieser kategorische Imperativ der interkulturellen P hilosophie ist natrlich kein ausreichendes Kriterium zur Bestimmung des Wahrheitscharakters einer Theorie, aber wohl ein unverzichtbares. In einer solchen interkulturellen Prfung sollen Theorien auf ihre Relevanz fr verschiedene Kontexte und Orientierungssysteme hin geprft und mit anderen Theorien aus anderen Kontexten konfrontiert werden.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Mary Wollstonecraft & Her Legacy Essay -- Essays Paper
bloody shame Wollstonecraft & Her LegacyFollowing the Enlightenment, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote the feminist new The Vindication of the Rights of Woman. In this novel she applied rights to females that had formerly been reserved to males, such as unalienable rights. Her novel impacted different areas of society. Wollstonecraft called for the advancement of womens rights in areas such as education, work, and politics. She also proposes that women are just as capable as men and have a far greater purpose than hardly to be pleasing to men. Her novel became a bestseller in the summer of 1792.1 After reading her novel, many women applied her views to their lives to the greatest extent possible in the duration period in which they lived. Mary Wollstonecrafts novel was the first major stand for womens rights creating the feminist movement in Great Britain and consequently the Americas. Mary Wollstonecraft effected the lives of many women. One significant woman that Mary Wollstonecraft had an effect on was Margaret Fuller. Margarets father, Timothy Fuller, had a need for an intellectual companion. Because he did non have a son as his first born, he gave Margaret an education intended only for males of the time. He was also an advocate for womens rights, playing a major role in the development of Margarets feminist views she possessed later on in life.2 He used Wollstonecrafts novel as a guide for Margarets education and instilled in Margaret that there are no limits to the female mind. Mr. Fuller pushed Margarets education to the limits, teaching her subjects intended for twain women and men alike. He educated her about history and literature, topics thought good for a woman and useful when becoming a wife as swell up as teaching her top... ...165, 198. Bibliography 1. Allen, Margaret Vanderhaar The Achievement of Margaret Fuller. London The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1979. 2. Capper, Charles. Margaret Fuller an American Romantic Lif e. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1992. 3. Fuller, Margaret. Women in the Nineteenth Century. <http// (3 bump into 2000). 4. Mitchell, David. The Fighting Pankhursts. New York The Macmillan Company, 1967. 5. Rosen, Andrew. Rise Up Women. London Routeledge & Kegan Paul, 1974. 6. Rowbotham, Sheila. A feminist voice across 200 years, The Independent, 4 June 1992, sec. Living Page. 7. Wade, Mason. Margaret Fuller Whetstone of genius. New York The Vicking Press, 1940.
The Severe Effect of Global Warming Essay -- essays research papers
Global WarmingWhen we think of global warming, we think about air out pollution, rise of temperature, melting glaciers, degree Celsius dioxide emissions and so no. But even though we know that these factors could lead to a global catastrophe, very often we do non realize what index of severe effect the global warming could have on our planet. Imagine that you are placed into the future. It is or so where around 2050. You unhorse to live in this new-made orbit, but the planet is non the same any more. You hear about huge storms over much of the North the States that cause severe misemploy and flooding. San Francisco, New York City, Miami, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal all experience major flooding from the ocean level having risen so high. Thousands and thousands of mickle die all(prenominal) summer across the world as the temperature soars to 65 C for 2 weeks straight. No, this is non total fantasy. each(prenominal) of these events could really extend over less when ce half a century. All of them are results of one problem the global warming. It is a huge issue with many consequences. People just do not realize that all of these events could occur if the action is not throngn. If we work together, and unite our efforts we fundament stop the global warming. (Thesis) It is our attitude at the beginning of a surd task which, more than anything else leave alone affect the outcome. *What is global warming Global warming is the increase in the temperature on average during the extended period of time. It has been inaugural noticed by the scientist some time around 1980s. Since then lots of studies were made about this issue. Scientists from around the world have come to a coda that the climate on the earth is changing. Our planet is continually being warmed by different sources suc... ...go up. Cleaning a dirty air conditioner filter can save 5% of the nada used. In North America 40,000 pounds of carbon dioxide is released per person every year. We can decrease that number by simply not wasting the energy resources that we take form the nature. Since the peoples actions have caused global warming, our actions can also help reduce this threat.(climax) Anyone can help by taking individualized action and encouraging the people in your community to do the same. We should stop looking at the global warming as at the prediction. It is already mishap right now. The problem is not new. We know it is still happening, so why is it still happening?(Chiasmus) We could not afford to let it happened Global warming is a time bomb, a racetrack against time.(Metaphor) In order to will this raise we need to be together, to save out planet for the future generations. The Severe emergence of Global Warming Essay -- essays research papersGlobal WarmingWhen we think of global warming, we think about Air pollution, rise of temperature, melting glaciers, carbon dioxide emissions and so no. But even though we know that these factors could lead to a global catastrophe, very often we do not realize what king of severe effect the global warming could have on our planet. Imagine that you are placed into the future. It is some where around 2050. You begin to live in this new world, but the planet is not the same any more. You hear about huge storms over much of the North America that cause severe damage and flooding. San Francisco, New York City, Miami, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal all experience major flooding from the ocean level having risen so high. Thousands and thousands of people die each summer across the world as the temperature soars to 65 C for 2 weeks straight. No, this is not total fantasy. All of these events could really occur over less then half a century. All of them are results of one problem the global warming. It is a huge issue with many consequences. People just do not realize that all of these events could occur if the action is not taken. If we work together, and unite our e fforts we can stop the global warming. (Thesis) It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else will affect the outcome. *What is global warming Global warming is the increase in the temperature on average during the extended period of time. It has been first noticed by the scientist some time around 1980s. Since then lots of studies were made about this issue. Scientists from around the world have come to a conclusion that the climate on the Earth is changing. Our planet is continually being warmed by different sources suc... ...go up. Cleaning a dirty air conditioner filter can save 5% of the energy used. In North America 40,000 pounds of carbon dioxide is released per person every year. We can decrease that number by simply not wasting the energy resources that we take form the nature. Since the peoples actions have caused global warming, our actions can also help reduce this threat.(climax) Anyone can help by taking personal action and enc ouraging the people in your community to do the same. We should stop looking at the global warming as at the prediction. It is already happening right now. The problem is not new. We know it is still happening, so why is it still happening?(Chiasmus) We could not afford to let it happened Global warming is a time bomb, a race against time.(Metaphor) In order to will this raise we need to be together, to save out planet for the future generations.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Ethical and Philosophical Questions about Value and Obligation Essay
Ethical and Philosophical Questions to the highest degree Value and ObligationI Recall the distinction between metaethics and normative ethics. Normative ethics deals with substantial ethical issues, such as, What is intrinsically good? What are our honourable obligations? Metaethics deals with philosophical issues about ethics What is value or moral obligation? Are there ethical facts? What sort of objectivity is possible in ethics? How can we have ethical knowledge?Recall, also, the fundamental predicament of metaethics. Either there are ethical facts or there aren?t. If they are, what sort of facts are they? In what do they consist? If there are not, why do we think, talk, and feel as though there are?II Philosophical ethics is the integration of metaethics and normative ethics?the attempt to come to an integrated apprehension of both. Given our current perspective, how can we view the philosophical ethics of Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and the ethics of c are?III For Mill, the enquire is what is the relation between his (metaethical) empirical naturalism and his (normative) qualitatively hedonist value theory and his utilitarian moral theory? One place we can see Mill?s empiricism is his intervention, in Chapter III, of the question of why the principle of utility is ?binding?, how it can generate a moral obligation. Compare Mill?s treatment of this question with Kant?s treatment of the question of why the CI is binding in Chapter III of the Groundwork. IV What is Kant?s metaethics? Since he holds that morality is both necessary and a priori, Kant must be some kind of rationalist. But, unlike Plato, he is not the kind of rationalist who holds that there are metaphysically... ...ception might underlie the ethics of care? Think about how we experience our relationships to others. Don?t we experience particular others as making claims on us? Personal relationships are probably the best examples, but arent relationships with strangers instead similar. Think, for example, of fundamental forms of human exchange like gift-giving, promise, and contract. Indeed, the original root meaning of ?obligation? refers to bond created between individuals by such exchanges. As in, ?much obliged.? viii Of course, we have only been able to pursue some of the many different ways in which philosophers have tried to think through the ethical and philosophical questions about value and obligation that any thoughtful human being faces. In the end, it is up to each of us to decide what answers to these questions we find most convincing.
Ethical and Philosophical Questions about Value and Obligation Essay
Ethical and Philosophical Questions about Value and ObligationI Recall the distinction between meta morality and normative ethics. Normative ethics deals with substantial ethical issues, such as, What is intrinsically good? What are our moral obligations? Metaethics deals with philosophical issues about ethics What is harbor or moral obligation? ar on that point ethical facts? What sort of objectivity is possible in ethics? How can we have ethical knowledge?Recall, also, the fundamental dilemma of metaethics. Either there are ethical facts or there aren?t. If they are, what sort of facts are they? In what do they consist? If there are not, wherefore do we think, talk, and feel as though there are?II Philosophical ethics is the integration of metaethics and normative ethics?the attempt to come to an integrated understanding of both. Given our up-to-date perspective, how can we view the philosophical ethics of Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and the ethics of care? III For Mill, the question is what is the relation between his (metaethical) empirical naturalism and his (normative) qualitatively hedonist rate theory and his utilitarian moral theory? One place we can see Mill?s empiricism is his treatment, in Chapter III, of the question of why the belief of utility is ?binding?, how it can generate a moral obligation. Compare Mill?s treatment of this question with Kant?s treatment of the question of why the CI is binding in Chapter III of the Groundwork. IV What is Kant?s metaethics? Since he holds that morality is both necessary and a priori, Kant must be some lovable of rationalist. But, unlike Plato, he is not the kind of rationalist who holds that there are metaphysically... ...ception might underlie the ethics of care? Think about how we experience our relationships to others. fag out?t we experience particular others as making claims on us? Personal relationships are probably the best examples, but arent relationships with strangers quite similar. Think, for example, of fundamental forms of homophile exchange like gift-giving, promise, and contract. Indeed, the original root meaning of ?obligation? refers to bond created between individuals by such exchanges. As in, ?much obliged.?VIII Of course, we have scarcely been able to pursue some of the many different ways in which philosophers have tried to think through the ethical and philosophical questions about value and obligation that any thoughtful human being faces. In the end, it is up to each of us to decide what answers to these questions we find most convincing.
Monday, May 27, 2019 â⬠a case study Essay
amazons MissionOur vision is to be earths most guest centric company to build a place where people coffin nail come to find and discover anything they might want to purchase online.Amazon.coms quest to become earths most customer centric company is largely stimulaten by its theatrical role of technology. In fact, its never-ending innovations argon all driven by huge enthronisations in information systems (Laudon and Laudon 2005).Information systems not only support their mission, but in fact drive their business system. In this paper , Amazons use of information at each stage of Porters pry filament depart be considered. Their in advance(p) and forward looking use of information systems to generate competitive advantage will be analysed in the context of Porters five forces and we will as well devote a look at how they have formed Amazon have formed strategic alliances to overcome real competitive forces. hereafter plans to sustain competitive edge will be examine d Amazon not only continue to use technology to improve their customer centric operations, but are now in fact rise up this technology and providing technical and logistics solutions to opposite firms.The think of cosmic stringThe concept of note look upon Chain Anaylsis is described at length by Michael Porter (1985). He notes that every firm is a collection of activities thatare performed to design, produce, market, deliver and support its products or services. He identifies specific, critical-leverage points where a firm can use information technology most efficaciously to enhance its competitive position (Laudon and Laudon , 2005). In his encourage mountain chain model, Primary Activities such as inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and trade and service, are seen as basic activities that add a margin of survey to a firms products and service. Since Amazons inception in 1995, they have used information technology to manage each stage of the value c hain. Inbound logistics including receiving, storing, inventory control are managed by sophisticated technology such Transportation Optimization and Management Systems (TOMS). They, use a set of applications for evaluate and validating customer orders, placing and tracking orders with suppliers and managing and assigning inventory to customer orders. In fact in 2007, Amazons systems have become so high-octane in managing inventory that they generally collect from customers before their payments to suppliers come due (SEC1 2007).Amazons marketing strategy is designed to increase customer calling to their websites, drive awareness of products and services, promote repeat purchases, develop incremental product and service revenue opportunities, and strengthen and broaden the brand name. (Amazon Annual Report 2007). Technology, again, is the conduit for their marketing strategy.Amazon were the first to deliver personalized Web pages and services. For instance, their tech nology keeps track of user preferences for books and CD purchases etc, and can recommend titles purchased by other customers.Their advertising consists generally of online advertising, including through their Associates program Amazon.coms affiliate marketing program, where web developers, by linking to Amazon products and services to their sites, can receive up to 10% in referral fees, sponsored search, portal advertising, e-mail campaigns, and other initiatives.Customer service is another key area where technology adds value to Amazons offer. From the outset, in line with their customer-centred mission, Amazon act to leave alone superior customer service through email and telephone customer support, online tracking and placeping information, and the ability to pay for purchases with a single prattle of the mouse using credit card and personal information provided during a previous purchase. This was called 1-click express scabping, and was considered so attractive that Bar nes and Noble, Amazons direct contest in the online book retailing markets attempted to ape it with its Express Lane system (McAfee 2005). Amazon later obtained an injunction on Barnes and Noble and sparked a huge debate around the question of which software, and even business processes can or cannot, be patented. (http// Extended Value Chain in e-BusinessIn their book, strategic Planning for Information Systems, Ward, J and Peppard, J (2002), discuss how the value chain information f economic crisis is now being challenged by e-Business They refer to Rayport, J.F and Sviokla (1995), who have determine two crucial new areas in this information flow, namely promotional information flow and intelligence gathering information flow. These two areas expects to be rife in Amazons value chain management..According to Ward and Peppard, the implications of the promotional flow of information which informs customers further down the chain of the products and services addressable have to be understood. David Chaffey (2007) speaks of Amazons automated email measurement and optimization system. As users of Amazon will know, once weve bought something on Amazon, we are regularly sent emails with information on books or product recommendations. In order for this promotional system not to descend into what one might call Spam, and for it to stay on relevant and customer centred, Amazon have put IS systems into place to control this activity.A new system automatically optimizes content to improve customer fellowship avoids sending an e-mail campaign that has low clickthrough or high unsubscribe rate includes inbox management (avoid sending multiple emails/week) has growing library of automated email programs book binding newreleases and recommendations. In this way, Amazon add value to the promotional flow of information through their value chain, and intelligently use and disseminate the information provided to them by their technology.Ward and Peppard conclude that E-business offers huge potential to gather information and intelligence about consumer and customer preference and attitudes online, rather than through traditional market research. When customers storehouse on Amazon, their choices are stored in the information systems which can then use this intelligence to forecast future demands.Industry Value Chain Supply Chain ManagementThe Value Chain of the business unit is only one part of a larger set of value-adding activities in an industry the Industry Value Chain (Ward & Peppard 2003). A firms value chain is linked to the value chains of its suppliers, distributors and customers, and each of these players can add, or indeed take aside from advantage which has been earned along the way. (Laudon & Laudon 2006).Amazon has one of the most-sophisticated supply chain systems in the world. Proprietary applications handle nearly every aspect of its supply chain warehouse management, transportation management, inbound and outbound shipping, demand forecasts, inventory planning, and to a greater extent. (Information Week) Amazons supply chain is so tightly integrated that when an online customer buys a book, for example, the order-management system communicates with inventory- and warehouse-management systems to find the optimal distribution centre or centres for fulfilling the order. The customer knows in less than a minute how long it will take to ship the items and whether they will come in one package or separately. Effective supply chain management, has been identified in a survey by The Economist, as being an essential contribution to gaining competitive advantage. It says that all market leaders have supply chains that are more responsive to customer demand. And effectively managing the information flow throughout the supply chain is key to gaining competitive advantage.Porters Five ForcesAs we have seen, competitive advantage can be gained through effective use of info rmation systems at each stage of the internal and the external value chain. The other value creation dimension, as defined by Porter is the Market/Industry Attractiveness. He has identified five forces affecting the latter, namely, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of customers, the scourge of new entrants, the threat of substitute products and competitive rivalry within an industry. E-commerce and the internet provide customers with the ability to search the whole chain for information directly or via intermediaries (Ward and Peppard 2003). The internet provides consumers with near perfect product and price visibility. Customers are free to use any internet portal they choose to search for goods, and can use price comparison portals such as to compare prices between suppliers. Changing suppliers will cost the buyer nothing switching costs are low and alternative suppliers are plentiful.Consequently, Amazon are forced to keep their prices down and accept lower margins. In the context of Porters five forces, the readiness for customers in changing suppliers can be classified as high customer bargaining power. Mr Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, saw this threat coming and prepared for it in 2000 he invited other retailers to sell their goods on his website (The Economist). No traditional seller had ever done this before to allow others to sell second-hand books on their own gateway step, was indeed a revolutionary move by Mr Bezos, and many people, even some within the company, thought this would cannibalise Amazons own sales. nevertheless it eventually helped to lift overall sales. Amazon says sales of third-party items, from which it takes a commission, have increased from 6% of all items sold in 2000 to 28% in 2005. over that time, the company says its own retail revenues were up three-fold (BusinessWeek). Bezos claims that by keeping customers on the Amazon site buying other retailers products, Amazons direct r evenues excessively increased. This is because with the help of some sophisticated technology driven marketing techniques, customers having already chosen something from Amazons partners, are at the same time tempted by Amazons own offerings.Today, hundreds of thousands of retail brands and individual sellers reach new customers by leveraging the power of the e-commerce political program. In 2006 Amazon went further with this concept and launched their extremity program, which allows businesses touse Amazons own order fulfilment and post-order customer service infrastructure, and enables customers to receive the benefit of shipping offers when buying from third-party sellers. In this way Amazon, seem to be effectively combating a number of competitive forces, including the threat of substitute products and the threat of new entrants to the market. Due to the low cost for new-entrants to e-Commerce it requires relatively little great(p) investmen t to set up an e-Business- the threat of competing websites is omni-present for Amazon. Amazons challengers come from two directions.First, other online retailers are growing rapidly. As people become more accustomed to shopping on the internet, they are ordering a greater variety of goods and services from a wider range of websites. From auctioning peoples second-hand goods, eBay now also hosts fixed-priced virtual shops offering new goods for sale. (The Economist). Google, for one, has replaced retail sites such as Amazon as the place where many people start their shopping. And more personalized and kindly upstarts such as News Corp.s, MySpace and YouTube, which Google has bought, have become the prime places for many people to gather online and eventually shop. Microsofts taking of a 5% jeopardise in Facebook, the online networking website, last Friday, which now values the two year old networking website at a whopping 15b$ -, could also be perceived as a potential threat to A mazon. People may choose to start their shopping from their social networking sites, rather than from the more traditional retail or portal site. Says adviser Andreas Weigend, Amazons chief scientist until 2004 The world has shifted from e-business to me-business. (Businessweek and The Economist).Secondly, traditional retailers are rapidly moving part of their trading online. This pits Amazon against giant retailers with huge purchasing power, wish well Americas Wal-Mart and Britains Tesco. These multichannel retailers make a virtue of their ability to offer both bricks and clicks. Many provide online customers with the option of picking up goods from the shop down the road. This is proving popular with web buyers who want things immediately or are keen to avoid shipping costs and staying in to accept a delivery. Amazon may be attempting to fight off this threat with their AmazonPrime program, which allows customers unlimited shipping for $79 per year.As we have seen, the relativ ely low costs of setting up business on the Internet, means that thethreat of substitute product/ services and the threat of new entrants also become more apparent. Internet technology is found on universal standards that any company can use, making it easy for rivals to compete on price alone and for new competitors to enter the market (Laudon and Laudon 2006). Clarke (2001) says that consequently, if we are competing in an industry where all our competitors have access to the same technology, it follows that competitive advantage comes from the use of information, as opposed to technology, and sustainability of advantage lies in an organisation endlessly being better at this than its competition. Amazon would appear to be doing a fairly good job in keeping up for instance with the technology enables personalization of the customer but as Jeff Bezos reiterated in the reprinting of his 1997 letter to shareholders for the Amazon 2006 Annual Report, Its all about the long-term.Sus tainability of Competitive Advantage The Future for AmazonIn the long-term, Amazon are aiming to re-invent themselves. An article in the Economist claims the e-commerce giant wants to be more than just a retailer. Having established the internet as somewhere to buy things, Amazon is again spending heavily on development in anticipation of consumers wanting to download music, video and books instead of having them delivered in the post. In September, the company introduced the Amazon MP3 digital music store to sell tracks without the anti-piracy technology known as digital rights management, or DMR. The music companies EMI and Universal are participating in Amazons store, making the service a significant competitor to Apples iTunes service. Unless the Amazon, the pioneer of online retailing can provide downloadable media it risks being disintermediated2 just as only a decade ago high-street bookshops, music and video stores were disintermediated by Amazon itself. Amazon, in fact hav e a history of strategic alliances with various firms Borders and SmugMug, to mention just a few.A strategic alliance is a partnership of two of more corporations or business units to achieve strategically significant objectives that are mutually beneficial, Wheelan and Hunger (2005). These alliances have allowed Amazon to use their established technological lead in the e-Commerce platform to generate revenues as well as their other strategic objectives. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is another example of astrategic move to keep back advantage. With AWS, Amazon say they are building a new business focused on a new customer set software developers. They soon offer ten different web services and have built a community of over 240,000 registered developers. In order to cope with the Christmas rush, Amazon has uttermost more computing capacity than it needs for most of the year. As much as 90% of it is idle at times. Renting out pieces of that network to other businesses, such as SmugM ug, an online photo site that uses the S33 service, is a way to get extra return on Amazons $2 billion investment in technology (The Economist).ConclusionIn this paper, a number of ways in which Amazon add value to their internal and external value chain have been identified. We have looked at how they optimize their utilisation of information in forging closer relations with their customers operate a lean supply-chain management strategy and fight off numerous threats posed by competing in the e-Business environment with strategies such as offering new services to smaller retailers, digital downloads, and opening up their technologies to developers. However in a fast moving global economy, no future is certain. Amazon are conscious of the threats posed by failed alliances (Borders will pull out of their agreement to use Amazons e-commerce platform in 2008, and the constant threat posed by Google, even Facebook and other technology driven Web2.0 companies. Jeff Be zos will be hoping to overcome these threats by, as he says, by opening up the guts of his organisation to developers (BusinessWeek). Information systems are at the core of Amazons business, and going forward, as Jeff Bezos said in his 2007 SEC filing, their biggest challenge will be to continue to build and deploy innovative and efficient software that will best take advantage of continued advances in technology. Amazon have made massive investments in technology $186 million in the last quarter alone (The Economist), and with 2007 3rd quarter sales up 41% and a quadrupling of profit, it looks like these technology investments may finally be paying Click to download, The Economist, Aug 17th 2006Amzn Investor Relationshttp// Accessed 28th October 2007Borders to Introduce New Internet order in Early 2008 (Update3) Accessed on 28th October 2007Clarke, Stephen (2001) Information System s strategic Management an integrated approach, Routledge, LondonDavid Chaffey Amazon Case Study 9.1 Learning From Amazons Culture of Metrics Accessed on 13th October 2007. Friend Accepted, The Economist, Friday 26th October 2007 From scratch Amazon keeps supply chain close to home, Beth Bacheldor, InformationWeek, March 5, 2004Jeff Bezos angry Bet Business Week, Cover story, November 13, 2006 www.businessweek.comJeff Bezos Risky Bet November 13, 2006. Accessed 27th October 2007Lifting the bonnet The Economist Oct 5th 2006Porter, Michael E. (1985) Competitive advantage creating and sustaining superior performance pg 33 The dispatch Press Laudon, J and Laudon K (2006), Management Information Systems Managing the Digital Firm (10th Edition) Prentice Hall R. Preston McAfee (2005) Competitive Solutions The Strategists Toolkit, Princeton University PressRayport, J.F and Sviokla (1995) Exploiting the virtual value chain, Harvard Business Review, November December, 1995 SEC (2007) United States Securities And Exchange Commission submission Form 10-K from Amazon. For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2007 Ward, J and Peppard, J (2002) Strategic Planning for Information Systems, 3rd Edition John Wiley & Sons, Bedfordshire.Wheelen, T and Hunger J, (2004) Strategic Management and Business Policy, 9th Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Critical Approach on Calvin Klein X Essay
To analyse this advertisement campaign, we use the critical draw close theory. The first pattern of this theory states that, all media messages be constructed. Some information is included, but much is also left out. Questions are not asked. Using this approach, we realize that in the Calvin Klein X ad campaign we chose, we only see images of muscular men but not pictures of scrawny lifeing men. The question is, does wearing Calvin Klein X make you look muscular and hot? Is CK X the only way to make you look good?The way the X is placed on the mens bodies brings the maintenance of the viewers to the body and not the product itself. What does this mean? The Ad is in black and white, is there a reason for this? The second principle of the Critical approach theory states that Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules. The typography of the X used in the campaign looks as if it is 4 arrows feature together, occlusioning at the product. The backgro und colour of the Ad is white, to not draw the attention of the viewers away from the muscular men wearing the product.The way these models pose result engage the interest of viewers. Hard lighting is used in the Ad to make the models appear very strong. The shot size of the Ad makes the viewers guidance on the big X right in the centre of the body. The third principle states that Different people experience the same media message differently. Men leave think that wearing CK X pass on automatically make them look hot and women will think that if their boyfriends wear CK X, it will make them look hot.However, rough men might think that this Ad objectifies men into eye candy. This Ad would be more directed to the adults, kids would not be interested in this. Furthermore, parents who are more conservative and people of the older generation, especially in the Asian context will think that this Ad is disgusting. People who are more spectral and believe in that not showing your body to the public will not like this either. They would not be interested in the product too.The quartern principle states that the media consists primarily businesses driven by a profit motive. Because of the profit motive, the media will do anything to gain revenue. Thus at times, sensitive topics and images are brought up. This is because it will engage the interest of many people and when they are interested, they will automatically purchase the product. Even if they do not purchase, the hot topic will be spread around through word of mouth, gaining the attention of everyone.The fifth and last principle of the critical approach theory states that the media has embedded values and points of view. The Ad gives the point of view that in order to be hot and muscular, one has to wear CK X. The Ad is as though it is saying that is ok to be open about(predicate) your body as the men in the Ad are not clothed. Not everyone will agree with this values and point of views and thus, this Ad w ill not be able to reach out to everyone except to those who are interested.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Music In My Life Presenation Essay
MUSICMusic is an influence in every unmatchables demeanor. The type of music you listen to can shape the person you become and how you act in different situations. The first instrument I learned how to play was the piano. I only compete for about a year or so, then I moved on to the violin. I was a tolerant fan of the violin and recall playing in several recitals with my instructor. I found the recitals to be twain exciting and nerve racking at the same time, but in the end it was an unforgettable experience I could not live without. During my high inform years I became a fan of the guitar. I started playing the acoustic guitar and I enjoyed it more than every other instrument I ever played growing up. Upon my high school graduation, I purchased my own electric guitar. From that day on I tried to play it as often as I could, but now I do not have the time for it like I used to which is a shame and depressing.MY DREAMSOne of my fears in life is not having enough time to secure a ll of my dreams. I would love to go on a cruise to the Caribbean. While growing up, vacations with my family were a big part of my life and continuing that lifestyle is of utmost importance to me. I am an adventurous type of person and would enjoy doing a few entire activities in my life. These activities would consist of skydiving and bungee jumping. Another dream of mine is to visit every state in the United States, as well as travel around the world. Later on in life, I would like to complete my career goals by obtaining my PhD to further my career. One of my biggest dreams I hope to achieve someday would be to go to Germany and visit the town named after my family. In Germany, my family was considered Dukes and we eventually had a town named after us. This would be an ideal vacation and it is one the most amazing things I hope to do at some point in my life.
Friday, May 24, 2019
National Museum Review (Philippines) Essay
What a blast from the past. September 5, 2013 a date to remember, another great day in my life. This was the day I and my two block mates went and visit an institution. The institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest of the country. Significantly, this institution is want a trophy to all Filipinos, a triumphant trophy of weapons-grade and vigorous mark of an extraordinary report, this is the National Museum of the Philippines. When I was in grade school and high school, Ive been to the National Museum for several times already, because of our Field Trip. Thus, I am so happy and excited when our Professor in Philippine History told us that one of our requirements is to visit National Museum and be able to ecstasy a reflection ab step up the Museum, because its about time to reflect and assess more of the countrys history and treasure. I used to place researches before I go to a place like National Museum, because I believe tha t its not enough just to visit places like such without any prior knowledge or interest about the place, I think being a little cognitive would do, for we can appreciate more of the place. In my research I concur learned that, the National cunning Gallery was originally designed as the public library by Ralph Harrington Doane. In 1918, the construction begun and was suspended for several times due to lack of funds. Later on, the building was decided to be used by the legislature. Revisions of the plan were make by Juan Arellano.The building was inaugurated on July 16, 1926. Costing only four million pesos, in the mid-1996 the Senate of the Philippines moved out of the building. In 2003, the renovation st artworked to transform it into National Art Gallery of the national Museum. Before entering the museum, youll see two sculptures done by the artist Guillermo Tolentino. They are the heroic monuments of human beingsuel Quezon, former Senate President and Sergio Osmena, former sp eaker of the House. When I entered the door there was a feeling of excitement and something mysterious. Something that holds my breath and whispers in my ears saying, This is your country, this is Philippines. As if I am about to see the past of my country, accounts of its history that were untold. There are different rooms/halls inside the museum. Each caters to different artists, artifacts and historical pieces.One of my favorite in the rooms is the Hall of Masters. This room is dedicate to the 19th-century Filipino painters Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo who achieved prominence atthe 1884 Madrid Exposition. Lunas Spoliarium received one of the three gold medals and Hidalgos Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho (Christian Virgins Presented to the Populace) received one of the fourteen specie medals Im not the artsy type, but this Juan Luna painting is definitely the first and only painting that evoked such strong feelings in me desperation and discouragement in a gigantic package. I first saw it in high school, but seeing it as an adult never dimmed the gear up it had on me everything else pales in comparison. I hope treasures like this will be forever ours.Another favorite of mine is the Amorsolo Gallery. In my researches I found out that Fernando C. Amorsolo, named National Artist in Painting in 1972, was the first Filipino to ever be given that distinction. He was also called the Grand Old Man of Philippine Art at the inauguration of the Manila Hiltons art center, where his paintings were exhibited, on January 23, 1969. His works covered a wide range of subjects, but he was best known for his idealized female images of the dalagang Filipina. He also painted scenes of traditional Filipino customs, fiestas and occupations, and series of historical paintings on pre-Colonial and Spanish Colonization scenes. He preferred to paint in natural light and developed the backlighting technique, which became his trademark. Other galleries include s the Arellano room, dedicated to the prolific-painter Juan Arellano, who is also one the architects of the building. The Beloved Land, This room introduces the scope of the history of art in the Philippines through a timeline. The Vessels of Faith, This room presents the various expressions of Philippine spirituality. The Hall of National Artists for the Visual Arts, This room is dedicated to the visual artists who have been named National Artists by the government. The Freedom Yearned For, This room expresses the theme of struggle of Filipinos against colonialism and the forms of oppression that persist to this day.Across the National Art Gallery building is The Museum of the Filipino state. It houses the Anthropology and Archaeology division. The Museum of the Filipino People houses different exhibits from the origin of the islands of the Philippines up to the arrival of the Spaniards. The building formerly housed the Department of Finance. The National Museum of the Philippines is like the country itself, the Philippines is a place of beautiful and fascinating sites, a place of serendipity, a place with much resources Philippines istruly a place like no other. only if what we did, and what we are still doing are abusive and deteriorative observation on our God given gifts. Likewise, the National Museum is place of beautiful and fascinating works of art, a place of mystery and treasure, a place of told and untold chronicles of our land. But just like our country we express less care. That is one of my disappointments when I visited I only saw some of the galleries, for the Museum is under renovation. If I am not mistaken that renovation plan is for years already. I asked one of the staff who guides our way into the galleries, Is there any leaflet that the Museum is giving to the visitor? the staff replied no(prenominal) sir, because the Museum has no budget with that.What the heck. Our history, the evidences of the great journey of the country were loca ted there, yet we dont give enough care and love on that institution. I have entitled my reflection An untold Chronicle through Art (The Pearl of the Orient) Because its so amazing and mind blowing, to think that through the paintings and sculptures, tog and silks, structures and literature our ancestors creatively made our history engraved on our minds and especially on our stock tickers. And The Pearl of the Orient because, it is the Philippine itself, the reflection and mirror of our country, of our past and its in the hands of the present to ceaselessly preserve its beauty. At the end of the day, I realized that Im so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful history as a Filipino. The National Museum of the Philippines is the Philippines itself, the story of the Filipinos. Substantially, it is already engraved and will forever be engraved into my mind and into my heart that I am a Filipino, I am proud of my story, and I will keep my blazing heart to ignite with love and care t o my country.The offshoot Mass at Limasawaby Carlos V. FransiscoModel for the Commonwealth Triumphal Archby Guillermo SantosFrancis Burton Harrisonby Fernando AmorsoloPortrait of a Lady (Unfinished)Fernando AmorsoloSan Diego Wreck Site
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Administrative Theory Essay
The issue ab expose the ability of in the public eye(predicate) servants to serve the best interest of the public through a solid public governance and administration system has always been an important point in related debates and discussions. In this paper, the focus pass on be on the role of the Administrative Theory, its related perspectives and paradigm, and how disaster response actions act as a mirror reflecting the state of public service, and the significance (or wish of) of the Administrative Theory in todays world.Disasters, some say, bring out the best in everyone. If this was true, then the worst disasters can be utilise to gauge public service and the ability and competence of public servants as considerably as the manipulation and significance of dogmas, structures, policies, beliefs and design of pubic administration in the modern day life. An example of one of the deadliest modern day natural disaster is Hurricane Katrina.See more The Issues Concerning Identity Theft EssayHurricane Katrina may be the largest natural disaster in dollar terms in U. S. history, with damage exceeding $50 billion (Birkland, 2006, p. 105). Hurricane Katrina, for its ferocity, strength, and extent of damage is a good caseful study in the opinion of public service doctrine use and compatibility, as well as the competence and ability of the great deal working nether these public service perspectives to cope and cooperate successfully under a pre-defined dogma.Ideally, the Administrative Theory was designed so that a particular process and communications protocol is established so that actions of different individuals, serving to be able to accomplish one purpose, are plastic and contri saveing towards the achievement of a particular goal, in essence making the theory the catalyst of the start of a process that can provide assistance. The Administrative Theory, as an idea, is always expected to influence constructive and positive output from every endeavor (i . e. response to a natural disaster).But in application, the use of the existing paradigm for Administrative Theory is non always assisting the efforts during a natural disaster. Sometimes it also hinders the effective delegation of assistance and response by individuals and agencies during a natural disaster because it is incomplete and non fully suitable for the present design of local anesthetic and federal governance as it is applied in the United States.The best example to use as a case study to determine Administrative Theorys characteristic as organism unsuitable and incomplete when used in the certain system of governance in the United States is the administration problems that happened during the Hurricane Katrina disaster response and prudence. Following the idea of the Administrative Theory, members of the agencies responsible for responding to the victims of Hurricane Katrina should have effortlessly handled the situation considering that everyone has a task to fulfi l.What the Administrative Theory failed to discuss and include in its parameters is the complexity brought about by inter-agency operation present during the Hurricane Katrina disaster caution action and akin(predicate) incidents. Because of the rigors of the Administrative Theory and the limitations that are found in the theorys nature and essence, how the people acted and reacted with each other during the disaster response was far from being smooth and flawless.In the assessment of the Hurricane Katrina public administration efforts for disaster response and assistance, observers can see that in employing the ideas found in the Administrative Theory (as well as with consideration to other factors too), the situation became more problematic and complicated. Then Hurricane Katrina slammed into the coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi, virtually destroying New Orleans and many smaller communities along the disconnection Coast.Although arguments continued long afterward about the a dequacy of federal, state , and local emergency response, in the minds of many Americans regimen had failed its most basic responsibility to suspensor its citizens in a time of dire need and to protect them from further harm (Stivers, 2008, p. 73). Because of this, it can be considered that the Administrative Theory can be considered as a source of hindrance and not a source of assistance in the effective action during natural disaster response, assistance and management.What are the issues? there is just one important issue that is connected with the assessment of the impact of the Administrative Theory and the disaster management during Hurricane Katrina. This is the assessment of the administrative aspect of the local and federal government, and why many individuals believe that in general such efforts failed.The Hurricane Katrina and how the government (local and federal) responded, cooperated and interacted during the disaster management efforts provided a classic case wher ein administrative theories and its use or absence is seen and reflected. The issue focuses on the fact that despite the countrys capability material and theoretical to respond well and effectively during disasters desire Hurricane Katrina. The effort was considered as a bankruptcy, owed largely to the role of the existing public administration approach.The presence of Administrative Theory aspects, in this case, and how this particular disaster management effort brings to light what is lacking in the current public administration theories and models. The realization, all in all, is that the ensuing complexity of local and federal governance makes toughened the perfect formula for effective public administration and governance in different levels, including disaster response and management.People who study and practice administration very much take the view, perhaps only half-consciously, that if only the right formula for organizing work and assigning responsibility can be fou nd, things get out fall into place and everything will run smoothly or, at least, more so than before. Many of the post-Katrina criticisms levelled at governments have centered on unsuccessful person to coordinate rescue efforts. These charges reflect the inveterate belief in the power of the right system. Certainly they mark the belief that there is a right system (Stivers, 2008, p. 73). Who are the actors? In the assessment of the Hurricane Katrina and the assessment of the Administrative Theory perspective in the effort to provide disaster response, assistance and management in the location of the disaster, it is important to identify the actors (individuals and agencies) who took part in the effort who may or may not be responsible not only for what measure of success there is in the endeavor but also in the failure of the parameters and perspective of the Administrative Theory in this particular scenario.The Administrative Theory talks about roles and responsibilities, but it did not apologize how complexities of these things should be addressed during interagency response to natural disasters, something that happened during Hurricane Katrina. Interagency relationships lead to well documented problems associated with unclear authority and responsibility. The House committee examining the government response to Hurricane Katrina blames all levels of government, from the unclouded House, to Governor Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, to Mayor Ray Nagins of New Orleans, for the delayed response to the storm (Callahan, 2006, p.139). This is just a ballpark assessment of the list of characters involved who also contributed to the failure of the disaster rescue and assistance action, despite administrative practices and because of the incompetence of such measures in handling real life scenario. Other participants are identified by the National Response Plan (NRP) program of the government, which identifies the federal as well as non federal agencies and orga nizations which should be involved in the time of disaster management (Hogan, Burnstein, 2007, p. 151).But NRP in itself was considered by some as problematic. As Hurricane Katrina plowed ashore, this cumbersome and contradictory schematic of national disaster response was about to be put to a stern test (Cooper, Block, 2007, p. 130). in that location are also some other actors who are involved in this interagency action and it included government entities (military, paramedic, search and rescue units, office of the mayor and governor, etc) as well as private (NGOs and private citizens).What leads the various actors to make the choices or take the positions that they do? There are several reasons that could answer the question about the motivation of the actors to act or decide as they did at the height of the Hurricane Katrina. This may include accountability, responsibility, initiative, intelligence or even the sense of direction advance from an existing protocol and systemati c approach to problems such as this. How each actor weighs each and any of these is another consideration.Some of these maybe personal forces (i. e. instinct, initiative, a sense of ethics and responsibility, personal clarity of mind and sense of direction during crisis, etc), while other possible motivation maybe organization forces. There are also other reasons, like the absence of a possible course of action that directs everyone involved interior a particular course of action for this eventuality. The NRP offers no clear guidance on what distinguishes a run-of-the-mill disaster from a blasting event.But generally, catastrophic events imperil the national leadership, echo through the national economy and cause national disruptions (Cooper, Block, 2007, p. 130). What are the organizational forces? Even if there were aspects of the Administrative Theory in use during the effort to provide assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina which can be categorized as organization for ces, some of these aspects maybe considered useless as well because these forces (like the pull and pull of the initiatives and information of the people working under the system) are not properly acted upon.Take for example, the characteristic of the Administrative Theory about the idea of scope of command and information sharing based on a ladder-type hierarchy. This aspect was in use, pre-Katrina, as well as during and after the Katrina crisis. But critics believe that it was a failure nonetheless because the response of the individuals to the information shared through the chain of command was not properly acted upon. Because of this, there were feelings of dismay and low moral, and some people integral in this chain of command, realizing the breakdown and futility of such design, resigned from their position.Matthew Broderick, head of the DHS Operations Directorate and the HSOC, resigned effective March 31, 2006, following the House of Representatives report on Katrina, which singled him out for failing to inform high-level officials of Katrinas devastating impacts William Carwile, a veteran FCO who had been put in charge of the Katrina response for Mississippi and who had struggled to inform the administration that Katrinas impacts were truly catastrophic, resigned his post and left government service shortly after Katrina (Tierney, Bevc, 2007, p. 48). What are the external forces?While external forces were hardly discussed as source of the failure of the operation to answer the devastation of Katrina immediately and in the long term, there may also be external forces at play in this situation. This may include the presence of political consideration of political leaders that could have affected and influenced the actions that they took during the disaster. Foreign aid and support, as well as foreign pressure, and the threats coming from the outside which may aggravate the situation inside Mississippi and New Orleans, may have also contributed to the turn out of the rescue and assistance efforts.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Case Brief: Mercan Systems,
Background and Problem Definition Mercan Systems, Inc. founded in 1980 their first product being a desalinator which was used to remove salts from brackish well pee supplied it to mobile home park residents in Florida. The product was very successful in the market and it quick expanded to nearby hospitals and bottlers of water for sale to consumer. By 2000, they made vast improvement in their product by including particle filters, ozonators, ion exchange resins, and purifiers. It had kept its set higher than its competitors.They launched a new product and wanted to formulate an entry strategy for the market entry of Delight water purifier in India. Market and perseverance Analysis There were approximately 44 gazillion households who took precautions and all the safety measures for their family. Ab come in 50% of the target market used traditional boiling water method, 20% used candle filters and another 20% used water purifiers. The major competitor for Mercan was Eureka Forbes who mainly had two products namely Aqua base hit and Pure sip. The unit prices for Aqua guard and pure sip were approx. Rs. 5500 and Rs. 2000.Apart from this there were other companies like Ion Exchange, Singer, and Delta Brand. On more careful observation Chatterjee found out that maximum Sales were from urban areas where the existing manufacturers were reaching only 10-15% of the entire Indian population. Evaluation of Alternative course of Action 1. Direct Acquisition/ crossroads Venture Looking at the estimated sales figure from Exhibit 3 we find that the Sales were approximately 430000 units. Analyzing it further we see that in case we squeeze the skimming price strategy and sell products by means of Dealer channel we can estimate a sales of 279. million INR in comparison to 129 million INR in case perceptiveness strategy. We observe the same thing for Direct Sales we can see that in case of skimming strategy the estimated sales were 215 million INR and in case of penetrat ion strategy it was 86 million INR. (Exhibit 1 for the analysis). The pros and cons for adopting the strategy will be Pros There is a huge probability to gain market share with new technology. Cons Initial investment is Rs. 30 Million is pretty high. More everywhere Joint Ventures may turn out to be complicated as it will involve people with different mindset and working style. 2. LicenseeConsidering the total cost incurred for licensee 35000 USD (Exhibit 2) and estimated sales contribution as 129 Million INR (Exhibit 3) Pros It has borderline cost and is of less risk. It can receive royal family from licensee. National staff can be hired with minimum salary Cons No control over licensees operation Conclusion My recommendation will be they must go with option 1 which is to enter Indias market using control stick venture/ acquisition mode of entry. Exhibit 1 Estimated Sales in units = 430000 units Contribution per unitCalculationsEstimated Sales Skimming Price through Dealer Cha nnel650=650*430000279. Million INR Penetration Price through Dealer channel300 =300*430000129 Million INR Skimming Price through Direct Sales force500 =500*430000215 Million INR Penetration Price through Direct Sales force200 =200*43000086 Million INR Exhibit 2 capital for production facilities and equipment30000 USD office facilities and equipment. 5000 USD Total investment35000 USD Exhibit 3 Contribution per unit (Average royalty per unit)300 INR Total no. of units sold (estimated) i. e. , National market potential430000 units Estimated Sales contribution300*430000=129 Million INR
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Kitchen By Banana Yoshimoto Mikage Satsuki Growing up is tough especially when you are completely and young. It forces you to fend for yourself against the world. Instead of playing with your friends, you spend your time figuring out where your next meal is feeler from. Which is a sad and scary truth few stop to think of these poor souls that get such an unfortunate fate. In Banana Yoshimotos Kitchen, the character Mikage undergoes many of changes, entirely one thing passim this book that does non change is her rage of kitchens.Her parents passed away when she was young and her granny raised her. When her grandmother similarly passed away, she became depressed, listless, and orphaned. In the rise of the book she is lonely, since none of her blood relatives are still alive. After she moves in with the Tanabes, however, she finds the fearlessness to face life again. She has a strong bond with kitchens they seem to give her a calming persuasion and help to ease her loneliness . Kitchens serve as a comfort for her.Throughout the course of this novel Kitchen, Banana Yoshimoto depicts Mikage as a person of great morals, who loves kitchens, and is incredibly strong-willed. In this novel Mikage appears to be an individualist who keeps her morals sacrosanct her grandparents brought her up to be an accepting, gracious person. Mikage is a person of great temperance, although she is a little touchy some her relationship with Yoichi. She is also courageous for a person who lost her entire family, and, because she doesnt want to get violate again, she distanced herself from other people. When was it I realized that, on this truly dark and solitary path we all walk, the scarce way we can light is our own? (Yoshimoto, pg. 21). Her moral stature is apparent when Yoichi tells her that Eriko is a transgender, and instead of acquiring upset about it, she accepted it because she feels she can trust them. Her dominant traits are her love of cooking and her love of kit chens. These traits originate when her grandmother passes away the hum of the refrigerator keeps her from feeling lonely.So each night until she moves in with the Tanabes she curls up beside the refrigerator in her kitchen and goes to sleep. Why do I love everything that has to do with kitchens so much? Its strange. possibly because to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul (Yoshimoto, pg. 56). She teaches herself to cook, the summer after her grandmother passed away, at the Tanabes house. She buys three books and studies them, following all the directions in them.Subsequently, she becomes good at cooking and gets the job she has straightway as an assistant to a famous cooking teacher. Mikage is more(prenominal) of a rational person who knows her limits. At times, she can be emotional, but overall she thinks well on her feet and is a capable person. However I couldnt exist like that. Reality is wonderful. I thought of the money my grandmother had left me -just enough. The place was in addition big, too expensive, for one person. I had to look for another apartment (Yoshimoto, pg. 5). Mikage handles change well she might not like some things but she gets through them.For instance, her grandmothers death was a great tragedy, but she got through it rationally, and she adapted very well to the Tanabes and their kindness. The author wants readers to know how tough Mikage is. She has had a rough go at life, but she still manages to stay strong reading about her really appeals to the readers sympathetic side. Mikage appears to be a nice girl who has just been unlucky lately. Fortunately, when Yoichi comes into her life, she starts to spread out up more and realize that she is not alone. He struck just the right note, neither cold nor oppressively kind. It make me warm up to him ( Yoshimoto, pg. 11). Another thing about Mikage is that she is a fighter, and readers see that towards the end of the story, she fights for what she wants. At th e beginning of this book Mikage is very guarded and lonely, but as the book progresses she becomes less guarded and more open to people who care about her. At the end of the book, Mikage becomes the one who comforts Yoichi, when his mom passes away. She becomes the center of his assist system.
Monday, May 20, 2019
International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment Essay
The European focus has imposed doubtful anti-dumping duties on imports of ceramic covers from China.The head for the hills comes following an investigation initiated after a complaint lodged by the European Ceramic tile Manufacturers federation (CET) on behalf of 69 tile manufacturers in the EU, the representation said.The duties range between 26.2% and 73% depending on the corporation and last for six months. They could be prolonged for five years and are intended to punish tile manufacturers from China who sell tiles below cost-price in the EU.Alfonso Panzani, the president of the CET, said that the duties were not intended to exclude Chinese products from the EU foodstuff but to bring Chinese prices to a fair level, making it possible for ceramic tile production to continue in Europe, and creating the conditions for healthy competition to develop.He added There is no reason why we should be less competitive in Europe than when we export outside of the EU.The provisional duties apply to glazed and unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles and unglazed ceramic photomosaic cubes.(c) 2011 European Voice. All rights reserved.According to the provided article, the European Commission (an executive branch of the European Union) has recently resorted to the death penalty of a protective tariff of up to 73% on Chinese ceramic products in aim to protect the European market from Chinese dumping techniques (Protective tariff a tariff designed to buckler domestic producers of a good or service from the competition of foreign producers.1 Dumping the bargain of products below cost in a foreign country,1 often done to gain a monopoly over that product in a particular country).Facing pressure from the European Ceramic Tile Manufacturers Federation (CET), an organization representing numerous European tile firms who suffer from cheap competition with Chinese firms, the Commission imposed these duties to drive up the cost of imports and stimulate profit for domestic producers (Competition the presence in a market of independent buyers and sellers competing with one another.1 Imports spending be individuals, firms, and governments for goods and services produced in foreign nations.1 Profit the amount of money a business earns after paying all expenses.)The conflicting economical values of free trade and protectionism are disputed in this situation as to which forces are allowed to witness a nations economy the government and domestic producers or the global market and consumer offbeat (Free trade the absence of artificial barriers to trade among individuals and firms in different nations.1 Consumer welfare individual consumer delight depending on prices and income.) Since domestic ceramic suppliers are threatened with economic ruin from such cheap products, the Commission turned to protectionism to force a more equal domestic competition and punish dumping companies by means of and through a tariff despite the con sequences of high prices (Protectionism policies that aim at restricting the flow of imports into a country.2).The body-build and economic effects of a tariff can be demonstrated in Figure 13 where the perfectly elastic world supply (Sworld) has sum upd in price (to P2) due to the tariff (Sworld + tariff) and, thus, capture reduced the quantity of Chinese imports from the difference between Q1 and Q2 to that of Q3 and Q4. The benefits of a tariff not only hold a reduction in imported ceramic, but also gains in producer surplus and revenue enhancement revenues earned by the government (Producer surplus the difference between the minimum price a producer is willing to accept for their good and the price they actually receive). Due to this tariff, the original quantity supplied domestically at Q2 has now increased to Q4 and domestic suppliers can now sell their ceramic at higher prices (P2), allotting for an increase in producer surplus (Area 1). Since the government collects the fees paid by the tariff, they now have more musical accompaniment of which they would presumably return to the public.While tariffs may be advantageous for domestic producers and the government, they reap these benefits at a primary loss to the consumer from the higher prices needed to buy ceramics, and Chinese suppliers whose product is less demanded in the European Union. The major disadvantage of a tariff comes from the reduction in consumer surplus where it had originally occupied Areas 1,2,3,4, & 5 and was reduced to only Area 5 because consumers must now buy ceramics at a higher price (P2). Although Areas 1 through 4 represent the total consumer surplus reduction, since Areas 1 and 3 are beneficial to a society, so Areas 2 and 4 represent the net loss to society through higher prices.Therefore, in order to protect the European ceramic producers from being completely swept from the market due to the dumping efforts of Chinese ceramic exporters, the Commission is justified in the imposition of an anti-dumping tariff because the societal loss of an entire industry is greater than that of forcing higher domestic prices to the consumer.1 Defined by economics Principles, Problems, and Policies, 15th edition textbook by Campbell R. McConnell and Stanley L. Brue, publisher McGraw-Hill Irwin.2 Definition derived from 2 Definition from Ziogas, Constantine. economic science for the IB Diploma Standard and Higher Level, 2008.3 Graph adapted from original at Effects of Tariffs. Linux substance abusers Group at WSU. Chart. 04 May 2007. Web. .
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Explain and Assess Descartes Trademark Argument
Explain and respect Descartes hallmark Argument Descartes authentication Argument came close to when Descartes was in the process of trying to build up the knowledge he himself gouge know a priori (with issue experience) finished pure reason. When doing this be began to think about where his idea of god came from and eventually Descartes concluded that the idea of God comes from God himself and he explained this done the Trademark Argument. The line of business is an a priori crinkle meaning before experience.This sort of argument is the type that philosophers usually opt be take a leak, unlike a posteriori or after experience, the evidence is not so open to interpretation be own any angiotensin-converting enzyme could repugn the true meaning of an experience besides its far to a greater extent uncorrectable to do that with pure reasoning. The origins and foundations of the Trademark Argument lie in the Causal Adequacy Principle. This states that any cause of something must fuck off at least equal or greater properties than its effect, so in short it means that every cause must be sufficient enough to pee the effect.For example, to break a window, the cause must wee enough causality in the speed and weight of the object in order for the window to shatter. So in this case a fly wouldnt cause the window to shatter on the dot by flying into because it does not possess greater or equal properties barely a flying brick provide possess these properties so the window can shatter. Descartes then applied this theory with out ideas. Ideas must be caused by something, but this something must become at least as much reality as the idea themselves.A complex way of saying this would be Something (A) cannot exist unless it is produced by something that contains either formally or eminently everything to be found in (A). To possess something formally is to possess equal properties while eminently is to possess properties greater. Lets look at this with an example. Ideas of Angels can be made up ourselves tho by using our ideas of material things and God. The idea of Angels, which is far greater than any sort of forgiving, but not as great as God, can be thought of as a lesser version of God himself.Descartes was sure that these ideas existed in his get mind however he could not work out if they represented anything else in the real world even if he is led to think that by his instincts. Descartes believed that his ideas had degrees of accusatory reality so what they represent can be measured in terms of perfection. These ideas cant be more perfect or contain more reality than the things that caused them so we cant be the cause of our ideas of God because we arnt perfect enough to be able to do it even if we are the cause of early(a) ideas much(prenominal) as substance which we cant be sure exists outside our own minds.So, if we cant be the cause of our idea of God, who can? This can only be answered in one way for in that respect is only one world, according to Descartes, that has at least as much perfection as God and that is God himself. So for us to have this idea of God there must have been a God to put it in us in the first place. As Descartes described it, it is the mark of a craftsmen stamped on his work. This can be simplified by using a series of points to structure the argument.The cause of anything must be at least as perfect as its effectMy ideas must be caused by somethingI am imperfectMy idea of God is of a perfect being soI cannot be the cause of my idea of God andOnly a perfect being could cause such an idea soGod (a perfect being) placed the idea deep down us and exists.That is the argument in its simplest form. Over the many years since Descartes revealed his findings in his work meditations there have been many supporters and backers of the argument, around of whom are rationalists who as explained before, like the a priori style of the argument.Other supporters we can assume could be major religions for example, such as Islam which would share the same view as Descartes that our idea of God is innate the implanted within us by God himself which can also be seen as a major ability of the argument. So, Descartes believes he has proved that in order for us to have the idea of God as a supremely perfect being it must be innate within us and must have been placed in us by God himself. However there are many critics to this argument which must be considered in order to assess the argument.Firstly, many philosophers have encountered problems with the Causal Adequacy Principle. Descartes considered this article of belief true for many reasons, one of the main ones we think that he believed in was you cant get more out of the effect than what was already in the cause, otherwise it would be something for nothing. This however may not be true because there are examples in the world which we can see as having more in its effect than what was in the cause. One of which is can we not light a large bonfire just with the aid of one match? Also can we start an avalanche with just the sound waves from one rustling?There are many other more scientific examples such as cuckoos nest Theory, Quantum Physics and also Evolution. In the case of evolution, single celled organisms evolve into more complex beings just by the passage of time, once all life on earth was just single cell organisms but now there are millions of different species all more complex than what came before. Hume also criticised the causal enough principle by saying we cannot determine the cause of anything by looking just at the effect. quite a little we know what caused a window to shatter before inspecting the evidence to find the cause within? either we know it must have been big enough with enough federal agency behind to smash through the window but we cant even know this a priori. Hume say that we learn a posteriori that for a window to shatter it must have been caused b y a large object with lots of power behind it. From this Hume seems to suggest that to know what actually caused our idea of God we much observe its cause. Hume also said that even if the principle is correct then how could Descartes assume that the principle can just be transferred from material things to ideas without it changing?However there are philosophers who have defended the principle stating that lots of reigns have exemptions and wherefore, if a rule does need exemptions which were not originally set out, is it immediately untrue. Things such as evolution, chaos theory and my examples of spark a large bonfire with a single match and causing an avalanche with a whisper may just be exemptions to the rule however it still applies to many other things. Some philosophers have also criticised Descartes for defining his idea of God and an incoherent God. For example, Descartes describes God as being Omnipotent, meaning that he is all powerful.This would seem to satisfy many peoples ideas of God however on close examination it is indeed incoherent. To illustrate this I shall use a paradox which undermines Gods power. Can God create a rock that he himself could not lift? Either way one thing he can not do for if he can create the rock then he cant lift it but if he cant create the rock there is still something he cant do. This paradox suggests Descartes idea of God is flawed and imperfect so a perfect being can not be the only possible cause of the idea according to the causal adequacy principle.From this we can deduce that its far more likely that Descartes himself created this imperfect idea rather than a perfect being. The final criticism I shall look as it one formed collectively by the arch-rationalists empiricists. This collection of philosophers would consider themselves to rival rationalism as they believe that the mind at birth is blank and we garner all our ideas from experience, not reason or innate ideas. Hume, one of the leading empirici sts, amongst others argued that we observe qualities in other people and so recognise there are degrees of certain qualities such as knowledge, power and benevolence.With these ideas in our head from the experiences we have had of other people, we can then extend these qualities until we arrive at outer space knowledge, power and benevolence. This way we have arrived at the idea of these things joining and making a perfect being with infinite qualities however we have arrived through it in a much less perfect way than through God. If this is correct then the origin of our idea is not innate and certainly not caused by God but just us manipulating what we have experienced to suit our needs as imaginative human beings. In conclusion there are many strengths and weaknesses to Descartes Trademark Argument.It is a compelling argument to abide by because of the way it is structured and how it sets out to explain out idea of God in an untainted way, slack of what can be misleading experi ences and just work it out through the power of reason however once examining the potential problems that have arisen since Descartes time it would be difficult to believe the argument is the truth, and for myself it is incredibly difficult to believe in it knowing that there is an equal and possibly more valid reason why we have an idea of God, as explained by the empiricists.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Theories of Buying and Selling
Jan Bronowski is a salesperson for Packard Bell (a computer go with www. packardbell. com) and works exclusively in PC world(www. pcworld. com) a retail company selling personal computers, printers, parcel and ancillary computer-related equipment. Working on a wizard-toone basis, the job involves demonstrating the functions of clayeyware and software packages, answering any questions the mentality may have and solving problems by matching the appropriate products to the customers needs. At the arrest of purchase, the prospect is handed over to someone else who deals with payment, credit arrangements and invoicing.After six months, Jan has been relatively successful. He has worked hard and believes that his confidence, the ability to strike up rapport with prospects and his ability to read a prospect have contributed to his success. The company have decided to promote him to their direct business division, selling to local firms. As part of his stark naked job, Jan has contac ted by telephone the role private instructor of a local company which produces chemicals and employs 60 people, 12 of those in office and administrative positions. He is excited at the prospect of making his first sale.The office manager was interested in his products and has asked Jan to call and see him the following week. Prior to his visit, Jan has been asked to post the relevant details of his products to the office manager. He has also been requested to bring some of the equipment to demonstrate to the office staff who would eventually usance any such equipment. Thinking about his forthcoming visit, Jan is apprehensive his background in retail has been with relatively inexperienced customers, and he is unsure of his ability to explain the product in these new surroundings to a more technical audience.He is also worried about demonstrating the product to the office staff since one of the advantages which will become apparent at any such demonstration is the potential staff s avings of the equipment. Meanwhile, back at the chemicals company, the office manager is trying to convince his managing director of the wisdom of his decision because of the neat outlay required. The purchasing manager is upset because he has not been consulted about the proposed purchase and rings Jan instantaneously to complain of his annoyance at being bypassed, telling Jan that he is determined to block the purchase on principle.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Effects of Peer Pressure Essay
On their study in examining the nature of peer compact embrace by adolescent, Brown, B.Bradford, et al (1896),states that 373 students in grades 7-12 were asked to indicate, on a 12-item index, the degree and direction of peer pressures they perceived from friends and acquaintances, and to puff their personal attitudes and behavior in areas corresponding to index items. Analyses revealed that peers were seen as encouraging misconduct less than opposite types of behavior. Females reported stronger peer pressure than males toward conformity (to peer norms) and social involvement, but the genders did not differ in perceptions of misconduct or pro-adult pressures. Associations between perceived pressures and personal attitudes or behavior were signifi gaget but modest, and sometimes were mediated by gender or grade level. And these are the types of peers pressure a person can encounter.And also the possible risk factors they can get in facing these kind of problem correspond to Eliza beth Hartney Peers are muckle who are part of the said(prenominal) social group, so the term peer pressure refers to the influence that peers can get under ones skin on all(prenominal) other. Although peer pressure does not necessarily sustain to be negative, the term pressure implies that the process influences people to do things that may be resistant to, or might not otherwise choose to do. So usually the term peer pressure refers to socially undesirable behaviors, such as experimentation with inebriant and drug use, rather than socially desirable behaviors, such as academic success, although it could be applied to either, and either could be a positive or a negative experience for the individual.According to Kids health line (2011) Peers are people who are part of the same social group, so the term peer pressure refers to the influence that peers can have on each other. Although peer pressure does not necessarily have to be negative, the term pressure implies that the pr ocess influences people to do things that may be resistant to, or might not otherwise choose to do. So usually the term peer pressure refers to socially undesirable behaviors, such as experimentation with alcohol and drug use, rather than socially desirable behaviors, such as academic success, although it could be applied to either, and either could be a positive or a negative experience for the individual.According to Kids help (2008) ostracize peer pressure is the type of pressure that you may find yourself wanting to ignore because it makes you feel uncomfortable. debate a second to think about that statement. Can you think of any occasions recently when you have felt uncomfortable around certain people or social settings because you felt pressured to do something to divert someone else in order to fit in or not stand out?
Thursday, May 16, 2019
How smiling can make the world a better place Essay
How smiling can make the world a better place - Essay ExampleFor suit, America wants to continue their dominance as the sole ability in the world whereas China wants to challenge it. Under such circumstances, it is quite difficult to make a compromise between the Americans and the Chinese for a better world. However, individuals can do something to make this world better. For example smiling has lot of power in establishing better kins with others. This paper analyses the possibilities of smiling in the making of a better world. According to Andre Maurois, Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence and more than either other one thing a pull a face reassures them (Building A Better World, One Smile At ATime). Smiling is the better way of establishing intimacy with others. It is not necessary that the American president and the Indian prime minister may have any previous contacts. However, during their first meeting they will greet each other with a warm pull a face which is nec essary for the stolon of a new relationship. In other words, smiling can maintain and constrain relationships. If both the American and Indian leaders failed to smile their diplomatic meetings, people may get a feeling that something wrong happened between them. In other words, smiling is the gesture or measure of relationship building. According to Mother Teresa, Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Will Boots benefit from Treat Street or will it have a negative impact Dissertation
Will Boots benefit from sh atomic number 18 Street or will it have a negative impact on the perception of their commitment card - Dissertation Exampletotal sales as estimated in 2008 in the Health and sweetie sector worth 17.7 billion pounds out of which 36 % of the total was accounted for Boots. Boots being the largest single retailer in the cosmetic and wellness perplexity division leads the market with innovative activities gets the customers. In spite of being the attraction in the sector Boots also was hit very badly during the period of recession. Due to the economic interim in the late 2008 consumers also became very price sensitive in the market. Along with this problem the agonistical environment also forced the market leader Boots to rethink on its sales strategies and the discount and promotional campaigns to pull together market dish out. For this reason the company implemented several strategies likes giving discounts and scheme cards to attract customers. Rev iew showed that close 16% of the customers bought more and increased the sales during discount period. Loyalty Cards are introduced by Boots to encourage consumers to avail discounted price and thus become a more loyal customer to the brand. With the change in society and consumers buying habit Boots introduced a more Advantage Card plough Street which gives the existing customer some extra benefits. This research is done in order to breakthrough whether Boots benefit from this Advanced Card or it has a negative impact on the perception of their loyalty card holders. About the Company Boots group, PLC is the leading beauty and health care retailer and one of the ruff cognise companies at United Kingdom. Boots is one of the members of Alliance Boots which is one of the leading international pharmacy-led health care and beauty group. Boots was established in the year 2006 when The Boots Company PLC was merged with the Alliance Unichem. As of 2010, the company operates in over 20 countries and is sold in over 130 countries around the world leads the market with about 3250 outlets at different locations. Though the company operates in pharmacy and cosmetic/toiletries scarce it is not known as the specialist in that section only, rather it is popularly classified as a flux good retailer. With the growing trend towards self-medication the sales of Boots is mainly concentrated to three main products categories i.e. analgesics like Nurofen, Strepsils for spit up and cold remedies and also skin care products like Clearasil. Though the company dominates in their own effort segment but they faced a lot of difficulties to grab the market share. As of 2008 the market share of Boots was about 35.9% of the total market. The main problems behind this difficulty are especially building by the warring brands mainly the supermarkets with toiletries segment. Customers always prefer to have a single point to purchase all there needed products rather than going to diffe rent stores and buy different products of their need. This is the main reason for the huge increment of the shopping malls and super markets. Though these supermarkets dont have much variety in products but they attract the customers with good amount of discounts and offers. Along with this due to economic recession in late 2008 the health and beauty sector was very badly hit which affected the purchasing power of the customers also. Thus to gain market share Boots worked out on their sales strategies thoroughly and introduced several discount schemes (Brandy, 2010,
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Extended Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
lengthy Project - Essay Example more crimes committed by young men than young women. The light upon focus of the paper is to reveal the inner crux of the theme with a background focus on scotch reasons. An in-depth evaluation of the selected theme would facilitate to derive an downstairsstanding regarding the factors especially the stinting factors that encourage more males to commit crimes than young women. Economic Reasoning In this section of the paper, the aforementioned economic suppositions namely economic learning including scarcity, opportunity cost and margin analysis, Handy Dandy guide, REMM-Decision Making determine, along with evaluating certain economic systems such as circular flow, market failure and command among others will be explained in a precise manner. Market Failure It is disrupticular economic situation in which a company or a business entity has to suffer from economic losses resulting out of non-achievement of the broad business objectives. This term preserve also be understood as a electronegative aspect which is faced when certain pre-determined objectives be not met within the overall marketing mise en scene (Carden & Horwitz, 2013). Handy Dandy Guide This concept comes under the aspect of economic learning. It is referred as an assessment tool which is utilized in studying the behavioral exercise pattern of the people. It is used for determing the choices of the people and also for highlighting the costs involved in peoples choices. It also explains the different choices people make and certain consequences that they face which may take a negative or a positive form (Pennsylvanias State P atomic number 18nt Advisory Council, 2006). Economic study This aspect can be understood as the figure out of gaining knowledge in the overall context of economics. This form of learning can result in the achievement of greater aspects of economical knowhow. REMM-Decision Making model This particular concept is an integral part of eco nomic learning. It is termed as the motion which is utilized for closing and finalizing the decisions that are needed to be made and also to find suitable preferences for each of the decisions (Saunders & Gilliard, 1995). Opportunity Cost This concept comes under the periphery of economic learning and is regarded as an economical term which primarily refers to the price of an alternative that is needed to be forgone for the purpose of pursuing a certain action (Saunders & Gilliard, 1995). Scarcity Scarcity refers to unavailability of required resources to obtain desired along with necessary aspects. Scarcity in economic parlance emerges from shy condition of the prevailing social structure and economy (Saunders & Gilliard, 1995). Margin Analysis Margin analysis refers to the process of analysis of the margins of a company. This process is precisely followed in determining the overall profits of a company. The process of margin analysis can be performed by way of performing econo mic calculations and specific fiscal analysis. This aspect is however considered to be very important as with the help of proper margin analysis, the true(a) state of the companys profitability can be determined (Saunders & Gilliard, 1995). Literature Review This part of the paper will primarily highlight all those factors pertaining to the deeper analysis of the above mentioned economic concepts. The concerned wrong represent greater significance in relation to the overall
Monday, May 13, 2019
Imperialism, WWI, and Modernism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Imperialism, WWI, and contemporaneity - Coursework ExampleAs such, it was important at that time that the U.S. did not willingly get involved in any types of skirmishes oversea. The attitude toward the individual in the World warfare I era was the preceding boondoggle that would eventually cast a weather sheet over the country as the Great Depression later set in. Conrads story reflects this pessimism. tally to Conrad (2006), Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. as well holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of all(prenominal) others yarnsand even convictions (pgh. 4). Conrad mentions that he is tolerant, but not acceptingwhich is an even higher form of tolerance that moves beyond just allowing someone or something to exist without deference for the person or thing itself. T.S. Eliots poetry The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock takes an even more pessimistic view on life. Obv iously he feels the problems that complete with getting old, and sounds like a whiny elderly man. He talks about how hes losing his hair, and how he wants to walk upon the beach, eat a peach, and basically do whatever he wants. However, he feels that he is being constrained by the social duties placed upon him in life. According to Eliot (1917), I have mensural out my life with coffee spoons (line 51). ... All three of these writers basically make clear that the World War I era was full of people whose personalities were somewhat diluted because of the fact that people were trying to maintain societal images, while all the time inside themselves, people were wanting to act out and do things their own way. The early 20th century was a time when mobility changed from horse and buggy to the car. The new stressors that came with modern font life fully affected people, and life began to go at a faster pace, yet quench peoples minds slowed down as they tried desperately to maintain so cial order and good social graces in the face of WWI. Imperialism and the development of colonies all over the world by various European countries compounded this depressive attitude. Modernism in literature definitely mimicked this attitude well, as can be seen from the literature surveyed here. Part 2 Does this more depressed view of humanity and the individual continue to the present? Use your own experiences to attend to answer this question. (280 words) This more depressed view of humanity continues to haunt us in present-day America. deal are very upset with the fact that there are two wars going on overseas and our national compute is at over $10 trillion dollarsnot to mention the U.S. owes a give out of that money to China. Americans are depressed because they cant get jobs. Americans are depressed because our military budget is overreaching other forms of budgeting that would provide assistance to those Americans who are most needy. In my own experience, we live in a v ery depressing era becausealthough the world is becoming much more technologically sophisticated and
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